pondělí 19. března 2012

2nd Semester - extending my Erasmus adventure

Yes, the topic says everything. I have survived the first semester (to wit, I have successfully passed all the exams). Moreover, I'm staying in Ghent also for the next semester! Yipee! I should say. Yes, of course I'm happy. Just......I also realized what all I have to solve and how many things I have to sacrifice at the expense of the prolongation of Erasmus. I had to postpone my final exams to September so I won't have the final exams with my schoolmates, among others. And...my thesis, I have to write it here, in Ghent, anyway. So this semester I'm going to be very busy with all that stuff for school. But...as long as it is worth it...okay, let's have a look at it from the better side :-)
    By the way, I've moved to a different place for this semester. The location is great! It's at the park, very closed to the centre, but mainly it is very very closed to my school, central station and Overpoort (once more this is the busiest street at night). Furthermore, I have a rented bike now so everything is closed suddenly. But I miss my friends here, who I had a great time with. Okay this is not the better side, so...it's time to get to know new people and make new friends:-)
   The winter is definitely gone, we can see the Sun more often here, so I'm starting to spend more time outside. I have a bike now therefore I have already explored also new places outside Ghent.
Let's see how the second, summer Erasmus semester looks like...

Well, next days are going to be very busy, i.a. because I'm expecting also my first visitors to come to see Ghent finally, so I don't know when I will find some time to add something to my blog again....I will try it some time....

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